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【电影观看小贴士】:     DVD:普通清晰版  |  BD:高清无水印  |  HD:高清版  |  TC:抢先清晰版  |  TS:抢先非清晰版


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2018记录片寻找消失的女孩快播QVOD寻找消失的女孩电影是由Dominick French导演执导,寻找消失的女孩百度影音完整版克里斯·帕卡姆等明星主演寻找消失的女孩高清版。寻找消失的女孩QVOD和寻找消失的女孩在线观看高清版请关注扣扣电影网哦寻找消失的女孩完整版!

寻找消失的女孩完整版寻找消失的女孩剧情介绍: In 1998, wildlife enthusiast and photographer Chris Packham had a remarkable encounter with the Orang Rimba, a tribe of hunter-gatherers in the rainforests of Sumatra, Indonesia. It was the first time he had ever seen people living in perfect harmony with their environment. One photograph in particular that Chris took, a picture of a young tribal girl, has since become immensely important to him as a barometer of how we are treating our planet. In this real-life detective story, with no clues as to her identity or whereabouts other than his original photograph, Chris sets off to Sumatra 20 years on to try to find her, the girl in the picture.
