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  • 窥阴癖韩国

  • 主演:郭民俊  卢素兰  葵司
  • 导演:未知
  • 年份:2016年
  • 类型:伦理片
  • 地区:韩国
  • 状态:完结
  • 上映日期:2016/8/26 23:53:05
  • 更新:2016/8/26 23:53:04
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2016伦理片窥阴癖韩国快播QVOD窥阴癖韩国电影是由导演执导,窥阴癖韩国百度影音完整版郭民俊  卢素兰  葵司等明星主演窥阴癖韩国高清版。窥阴癖韩国QVOD和窥阴癖韩国在线观看高清版请关注扣扣电影网哦窥阴癖韩国完整版!


  Can you film me without anyone knowing...not even me

  A paparazzi reporter and a female doctor with exhibitionism can"t help their instincts. Jae-hoon was a cameraman but he was fired for something and is now a paparazzi. He is known for his neat work but his usual task is catching people in affairs. One day he gets a call from a woman asking him to keep watch on her twin sister. The sister owns a sexual consulting clinic so he goes as a patient. Then he starts to watch her in secret. As time goes, he shows signs of voyeurism and obsesses with her. The doctor"s sister cancels her request but it"s too late. Then he finds out that the doctor wasn"t a twin sister but in fact the client herself and he blinds himself. Did Jae-hoon"s voyeurism go away or was he a sexual pervert? Or did he really love the doctor?
