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  • 哥哥妻子2

  • 主演:        
  • 导演:未知
  • 年份:2016年
  • 类型:伦理片
  • 地区:韩国
  • 状态:完结
  • 上映日期:2017/5/27 4:20:32
  • 更新:2017/5/27 4:20:31
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【电影观看小贴士】:     DVD:普通清晰版  |  BD:高清无水印  |  HD:高清版  |  TC:抢先清晰版  |  TS:抢先非清晰版


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2016伦理片哥哥妻子2快播QVOD哥哥妻子2电影是由导演执导,哥哥妻子2百度影音完整版형  님  아  내  等明星主演哥哥妻子2高清版。哥哥妻子2QVOD和哥哥妻子2在线观看高清版请关注扣扣电影网哦哥哥妻子2完整版!

哥哥妻子2完整版哥哥妻子2剧情介绍:I had a pension near Seoul. My husband who was in fashion traveled alot. The furnace had been fixed but that only lasted a day. The repairman was rude so there was a fight. My husband is away but the furnace is broken again. I called the headquarters to send another repairman but the rude one came back. We were arguing about the bill when the repairman forced himself onto me at the table.? I couldn"t call the police, I couldn"t tell my husband. My husband says there was a robber in the neighborhood. He said I was in danger by myself so he put out an ad to rent out the first floor of our building. The new tenant was the repairman. He sang a weird song all day. My husband who was away called every day but I was still nervous. The repairman sang for 3 days. I didn"t like it.? I was walking when the repairman pushed me inside a shed. He smiled. I liked the sex that I didn"t want with the repairman. My husband came back but I missed the repairman. The repairman and my husband got along well and one day when my husband got drunk and fell asleep the repairman came close to me, singing...
